I have tried, unsuccessfully for a few days now to post video of Kiddo at the gymnastics show. These very bad pics will have to suffice. In the mean time, Hubby and I are having a discussion about whether we should purchase a new camera or not. The options: 1. an HD video camera (hubby's preference), 2. A digital SLR (my preference), or 3. stick with what we have and save the money.
So, post away, convince us of your point of view. :)
Well, um, do you have an HD tv on which to view your hd videos?
If Janeen is primary camera carter, then I would vote for the SLR. If Matt is the primary camera carter, and your darling son has learned to tote himself from place to place, then I would vote for the video camera. Although video that is being joggled by a bouncing baby is always good for giving your guests motion sickness. :D Or, looking at it another way, it's a good way to weed out who are TRULY your friends. :) Ah, the truly serious questions of life.
my humble opinion would be a digital SLR. Boy! DO I love mine!! It's great!
oh, I don't even need to say . . . I'm sure you know what I would say. Hehe
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