I finally have some energy at week 20 and every night this week I've gotten home, put the kids to bed, and passed out. I've been trying really hard to stay on top of the clutter, laundry, and dishes. I've tried to make Kiddo's lunch the night before and make sure Baby Boy has a bottle for the middle of the night (rice milk, by the way). It's all simply too much, I guess.
Oh well, I keep telling myself this too shall pass. I won't be pregnant forever, even if it feels like it.
On to lighter things. I haven't posted pics of our trip because I had trouble downloading them from the DVD I was given - all 1000 of them. But here goes.
Thanks to my uncle Jonathan for all the great photos! I am aware that I was in the presence of greatness.
Matt and his kids :)
Megs, Nath, (affectionately known as the cousins) Kiddo, and Baby Boy
Nathan loved Baby Boy and was rewarded with a puppy dog type of devotion
There were some who thought all we did this holiday was wait.
Gramps, Grammy, and Baby Boy in the cable car at Taronga Zoo
"Me and My 'china'!"
The Sydney Opera House by night - just to prove we were really there.
Kiddo playing with the water at the Lindt Cafe - You didn't think we'd miss that did you? It was even better than I imagined. Think Ghirardelli Square on steroids!
The Fish Market - amazing and fun!
How cool! Thanks for sharing. I am sorry that you are tired. Good seeing you last night at the Fair.
Was the Sydney opera house pic just for MEEEEE??? Hahaha. I can't believe how much BB has changed just since your trip. I was thinking he'd changed so much because I haven't seen him much or often. But it's also because he's changing so fast. Thinning out, growing hair, and getting cuter by the millisecond. It must be a hard life...
It was really nice to see you too, Lissette. And yes, Leilani, of course, since you asked! I know, he's changing so much! He's learning to communicate more and more and while I love it, I also hate that it means he's growing up so fast.
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