Saturday, March 07, 2009

A Great Day!

Today is what I would call a great day. I went to church today for a special event although I am on maternity leave. Today, we celebrated the goodness of God to our church in bringing us a phenomenal new Senior Pastor! Elder Chris Oberg preached her first sermon in our church today and was welcomed to our church in real style. The music was great, the ministries each presented a symbolic gift, and the church and conference joined together to dedicate Pastor Chris and her congregation to ministry in this community. It was an awesome day! My personal favorite was the children's choir singing, "He is Good." Kiddo got to sing in the choir and loved every moment. The feeling in the church was electric from the moment the service began. There was hardly room to sit and people were looking for any excuse possible to clap or celebrate. It was truly amazing. God is so good to take care of us in such clear ways.

1 comment:

Lissette said...

What a beautiful day it was! So happy to see you even from far away.