Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Giggles and Ga's

Baby Boy is such a pleasure lately. He's totally got the giggling thing down and we're so enjoying it. He's ticklish and seems to have a sense of humour such as it is. He loves his sister so much. His whole little body seems to get this electric charge going through the moment he hears her speak or sees her face. It's so incredibly cute.
He tries to talk back to her when she plays with him, reads to him, or sings to him. I swear he's convinced that he can actually be understood. Sweet boy.
Tonight he discovered Amelie. Aunty Karen could hardly keep him in her lap, he was trying so hard to go and get her! Amelie on the other hand was concentrating on balancing sufficiently to take steps. I can hardly believe she's so big already.
As I watch my children develop friendships, I pray that they will become lasting friendships. I have gotten older and, hopefully, wiser and found myself wishing I had more long-term friendships.


Lissette said...

He is such a cutie!

Janeen said...

Yes, he is.