Thursday, August 14, 2008

Joy of joys!

Sweet children! As we prepare Kiddo for school, I seem to be more observant of her problem solving skills and various people skills in varied situations. I am more and more impressed with her abilities. She really has grown into a smart little cookie. I think she will do well at school if simply for the social aspect. Today she stated, "Mama, do you know that all the friends are going to be at my school? Even the new friends."
I, on the other hand have been worried almost full-time about the various and sundry things mommies worry about when they send their kids out of the nest. But as I am learning every day, some things you worry about in vain and the things that you really should worry about are the very things you absolutely can't control and ought to simply leave in the hands of the most capable individual of all time, God.
In the mean time, Baby Boy has been struggling with allergies and some related asthma. One of the side-effects of living in our neck of the woods, I understand.
And, looking at sweet pics of duckmomma's kids and Kiddo said, "We could send them pictures, too, Mommy." So, here they are, per her special request.


Lissette said...

can't wait to see Kiddo at school. She will absolutely love it.

duckmomma5 said...

Thanks for the CUTe picture of you guys! Can't believe that baby boy is HUGE!!! he looks wonderfully adorable and Emma is beautiful! Can't believe that we are sending our little girls off to Kindergarten!

Janeen said...

I know, I'm slow Suzanne, but it just dawned on me that your girly will be starting too! Imagine if you didn't have your sweet boy at home?