Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sweet, sweet girl!

Tonight during highs and lows my Kiddo said the best part of her day was when I picked her up at school. See, last night she unexpectedly spent the night at Grammy and Gramps' house. She loves to do that, but she certainly did NOT like being left without knowing it. Worse yet, her mama came and got Baby Boy, but not her.
Again I was struck by how important it is to tell her what to expect and to keep promises that we make to her.
Hubby's schedule for December was posted today. Since he's pretty senior in the bid I expect that he'll get pretty much what he bids for. WRONG! Kiddo's very first Christmas program is December 18. Guess who has to fly until 11:39pm on December 18? Arrggghhh!
Kiddo has been practicing her "show" all week. Any time Grammy or Bubby ask for a song or her lines, she seems happy to oblige. Baby Boy and I will be there with our rolls and butter, but that's all I can promise. She's pretty amazing and the things she has learned in the last three months are astonishing. I wish everyone could be there to witness this "Thanksgiving Show," but in case you can't be there we'll post pics later.
And then, we're doing our best to make sure that EVERYONE in Kiddo's family will be there to celebrate her first Christmas Concert.

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