Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving preparations

Check out these preparations for Thanksgiving. Kiddo's Thanksgiving show last week. Thanks to Shelley for the pics.

In other news, Kiddo and I made an apple pie today! Hubby will give the verdict when he tastes it tomorrow. Since it's the first time we've ever attempted such a thing in our home, we sure hope it turns out well.


LadyBoyd said...

I'm sure the pie was amazing. :-) Kiddo looked so cute in her costume! I bet she did an amazing job.

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry I missed this show! I never realized the pilgrims were quite that cute!

duckmomma5 said...

so so sweet... and the little man has grown so much!!! :)

Leilani said...

Very very very cute. I dreamt of pilgrims last night (worrying about needing a costume if I was going to church), and they weren't half as cute as your pilgrim!

Lissette said...

Cute photos!

MissKate said...

:D She's absolutely adorable. :D

ok, so how did the pie turn out?